Welcome to our New Reception Parents
Due to the Coronavirus the arrangements for your child starting school will be very different from our usual practice as will the way that the learning environment is set up to ensure the safety and well-being of all.
The aims of this information on this page is to :
- To provide a context and information about the school.
- Clarify our expectations
- Provide an insight curriculum
- Share the starting school arrangement for this year.
The School
- KPINS has capacity for four forms of entry from Reception to Year 2 (120 pupils per year group).
- However from September it will only have 3 classes in each year group and two nursery classes (a.m. & p.m.).
Parent/ Carer Contact details
It is your responsibility to provide us with any updates to your contact details and information we hold about you or your child.
- It is very important that you do this as it could compromise your child’s well being in the event of an emergency.
Strict Dress code – the school uniform must be worn – all items must be labelling with the child’s name.
- Attendance & time keeping (Ofsted key issue) LA issuing penalty fines from September 2013.
- Reception session 8.50 a.m. – 3.15 p.m.
- The Headteacher’s unwavering focus on improving attendance rates. Work with the London Borough of Harrow’s Schools Attendance Liaison Officer, acting swiftly to challenge and work with parents when a pupil’s attendance falls below the threshold.
- Soft start to the day – doors open from 8.45 a.m.
- Punctuality – always be on time!
- Parents must call the school office to report their child’s absence and provide evidence e.g. doctors appointment letter, medical appointment letter etc
- Parent should not take their child out of school for holidays etc. Exceptional leave requests only granted where evidence supports the request and it is kept to a minimum number of days to avoid disruption to your child’s learning .
- Medical appointments – inform us in advance and always provide evidence
Assessment & planning
From the moment your child enters their reception class the teachers will be assessing you children against the Early years development matters age bands to identify your child’s on entry starting points so that they can plan activities to support your child’s learning journey during their time in the nursery setting.
The Curriculum will cover
- 7 areas of learning EYFS framework.
- 3 prime area comprising of
- Communication and language
- Physical development Personal social emotional development
- Supported by 4 specific areas
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding of the world
- Expressive arts & design
Starting school – Induction arrangements.
This year due to Coronavirus the arrangement for induction of reception pupils and the set up of the learning environment will be very different from previous years.
- Parents conferences 3rd & 4th September 2020 will be held by appointment only in the outdoor learning area allowing for social distancing.
- Individual start dates and times given commencing 7th September children coming in small groups and strict health and safety regime established and children taught to comply with the expectations.
- It also provides quality time with adults to familiarise themselves with the children on a 1:1
- Half days to begin with either a.m.(9-11.30 a.m.) or p.m. (12.45 – 3.15 p.m.)
All pupils attend half days until 16th September
- Increasing to staying for lunch from 21st September & finishing from 1.30 p.m. for a one week depending on the class and staggered finish time.
- Full school days from 28th September 2020
- Exceptions – For some pupils/SEN pupils there may be changes to the induction arrangements following consultation with the adults and other professionals (where applicable).
What next?
Complete all the forms in the Induction pack and return to the school before your child’s start date.
- Make an appointment to visit the class in September and meet the teacher – induction meeting.
- Opportunity for the children to meet their teacher too
- Order the school uniform on line using the Parent App which you will need to download and collect the uniform on your visit day.
- We operate a cashless system.
- Gradual induction from September 2020, children start in small groups and have a phased approach to admission.
See you in September
- I look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school in September.
- Due to the coronavirus the school expectation will be regularly reviewed. Read our risk assessment which can be found on the school website.
Weduc App
Download the Weduc App so that you can order your child’s uniform on line ready for collection in September Leaflet in your pack with detail on how to download the App!. All communication will be via Weduc mail.